Great quotes from Brian Tracy

The Review Source
6 min readNov 5, 2021
Note to reader: some quotes are paraphrased, sources are quotes from Brian’s books and speeches
  • The Winning Edge concept says small differences in ability can lead to enormous differences in results. Small differences in your own person repertoire of knowledge and skills can lead to major differences in your income and achievements.
  • You are pragmatic when you are not necessarily concerned about the origin of an idea. You don’t ask where it comes from or who thought of it first. You ask only one question: Does it work?
  • The most common quality of successful people is they are intensely action oriented. They are proactive rather than reactive. They take initiative. When they hear a good idea, they act on it immediately. When you see a good idea…take action on it immediately. Don’t delay. Once decisive action or decision to do something different can change your whole life.
  • For you to progress, to move onward and upward in your life and business, you must continually challenge your self-limiting beliefs. You must reject any though or suggestion that you are limited in any way. You must accept as a basic principle that you are a no-limit person and that what others have done, you can do as well.
  • Everything you have in your life, you have attracted to yourself because of the way you think, because of the person you are.
  • Take full credit for all the good things in your life. They are there because you have attracted them to yourself. Then, look around you at the things you don’t like and take full responsibility for them, as well. They are there because of you, because of some flaw in your thinking. What is that flaw, and what are you going to do about it? What is it in me that is cause this situation?
  • By thinking and talking only about what you want, and by refusing to think or talk about what you don’t want, you become the architect of your own destiny.
  • Your mind contains a cybernetic goal seeking mechanism. Once you have programmed a target or a desire into your subconscious mind, your subconscious mind and your superconscious mind have a power of their own that seems to both drive and steer you inevitably toward the attainment of your goal whatever it is.
  • The key to activating the laws of success is for you to become perfectly clear about what it is you want and exactly what it will look like when you’ve achieved it. Just as you wouldn’t attempt to build a house without a plan you wouldn’t think of a building great life without a clear list of goals, and a plan of action for the attainment of those goals. Unfortunately according to virtually every study, less than 3 percent of adults have clear, written goals and detailed plans What it will look like when you have achieved it.
A popular Brian Tracy book found on Amazon
  • Here is a simple but powerful exercise. Take out a piece of paper and make a list of 10 goals that you want to achieve over the next 12 months. Write out those goals in the present tense, as though a year has passed and you have already achieved them. Use the word “I” before each goal to personalize it, as in “I earn X number of dollars per year.” “I achieve such and such level of sales or profits.” Your subconscious mind accepts only commands that are personal positive, and in the present tense.
  • If you are not happy with your situation, it is up to you to make different and better choices and decisions. By failing to decide exactly what you want, you end up living unconsciously and unintentionally. Then, what happens to you in your life will appear to be a series of random occurrences over which you have a little control.
  • The more time you spend on your most important goals, the more you accomplish, and the better you get at accomplishing even more.
  • Take out a sheet of paper and write the words dream list at the top of the page along with today’s date create your own five year fantasy. Imagine that all of your goals have been achieved, all your problems have been solved, and you are living the life of your dreams. Once you’ve written down your list of dreams and goals, a list of everything that you would like to have in your life, the next step is for you to sign priorities to them.
  • Brian suggests writing “A” “B” and “C” goals. After that transfer you’re a goals to a separate sheet of paper and ask which goal on that list, if achieved, would have the greatest impact your life. Then, if you could achieve only one more goal on the list, what would it be. Mark that goal A-2 and so on…
  • Here is a seven step plan: step next decide exactly what you want. Step two write it down in clear, specific, detailed language. Step three set a deadline. Set sub-deadlines if the goal is large. Step four make a list of everything you can think of doing to achieve your goal. Step 5 organize your list into a plan. Step six take action on your plan immediately. Step 7 do something everyday no matter how small that moves you towards your goal.
  • Here is what Brian says about the law of compensation. You can have anything you want in life if you just help enough other people get what they want. Ralph Waldo Emerson said “The longer you put in without getting out, the greater will be your return when it finally comes.”
  • You must always be asking yourself, what is the most valuable use of my time right now? In studies where the careers of managers who were promoted rapidly were compared to those of managers who were passed over for promotion, researchers found the one distinguishing behavior of the more rapidly promoted managers is that they were more decisive in everything they did.
  • The first corollary of the law of decision is this; act boldly and unforeseen forces will come to your aid. Second corollary: when you are in doubt for any reason, act as if it were impossible to fail, and push forward. Decide to fish or cut bait! Get in or get out — remember that any decision is usually better than no decision at all.
  • Whenever your plans do not seem to be bearing fruit, instead of pushing harder, stop and reevaluate the situation. Consider the possibility that you could be wrong in your present course of action. Revise your plans continually until they are faultless and they enable you to move forward smoothly, without anxiety or frustration. The more thoroughly developed your options and alternatives, the more freedom you have if one course of action doesn’t develop as expected you will be fully prepared to switch to something else. You may be having a crisis in your work, personal relationships, your health, or with your business. In almost every case, a crisis is an indication that something is definitely wrong and that pursuing the same course of action will only make it worse. What is the change that is trying to take place in your life right now? Whenever you make the right decisions and you achieve your goals on schedule it is because the assumptions that you were operating on turned out to be consistent with the reality of the situation. Whenever you experience failure, setbacks, and resistance, it usually means there is something wrong with your basic premises, your assumptions.
  • Most of your opportunities for great success in life will come in owning or working for a private business organization. By the way, it is important to distinguish between facts and problems. They are quite different and confusion over which is which can cause you a lot of stress. A fact by definition, is just that, it is an inevitable and unavoidable part of life. It is something that you accept and work with and around, like the weather. It is like in a movable object. You don’t argue with it or get upset about a fact. A problem, on the other hand, is something that you can solve. A problem is something amenable to your intelligence and imagination. Burnham’s Law: “If there is no alternative, there is no problem.”

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